Specialist school of science and maths at Flinders University has STEM approach in unconventional style

The Australian Science and Mathematics School students do not have to wear uniforms and have control of their learning.
The Australian Science and Mathematics School was founded in 2003 as a special secondary school within Adelaide’s Flinders University, to prepare years 10 to 12 students for tertiary studies. It contributes to the science technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills strategy for South Australia.
The school is unzoned and attracts students from across Adelaide metropolitan area as well as some regional and interstate locations plus international students.
The school of science and mathematics is unconventional in its approach to education, emphasising a love of learning in students and teaching staff. Students have the freedom to take control of their own education. As the school is designed to provide an adult environment for senior school students, there is no school uniform, promoting varied culture and social styles and structures.
The productive relationship between the school and Flinders University includes sharing many resources, including the library, cafeteria, student services, transport, recreational areas and car parks, in addition to booked access to lecture theatres and specialist science and support areas. The school’s students can collaborate with Flinders University's Science and technology enterprise partnership (STEP) research projects in the business, industry and university sectors.
The Australian Science and Mathematics School offers a curriculum covering all areas necessary for students to achieve their South Australian Certificate of Education qualification.
The Year 10/11 curriculum is organised into interdisciplinary central studies; these alternate every year to ensure that a student will not do the same subjects twice. The Year 12 curriculum consists of standard SACE Stage 2 subjects, such as the various mathematics, science, English and numanities subjects.
The school also provides special activities for years 10 and 11 students in the form of adventure space. Examples of these include dance, cryptography, robotics, aviation, Australian space design competition, paramedical pathways, electronics, creative writing, and palaeontology.