
Tonsley Technical College in Adelaide's southern suburbs to have partners including Flinders University, ASC

Tonsley Technical College in Adelaide's southern suburbs to have partners including  Flinders University, ASC
The planned Tonsley Technical College at the Tonsely innovation district, (inset at right) in Adelaide southern suburbs would have Flinders University, with its Factory of the Future, as an offical partner.The Australian Science and Mathematics School, at nearby Bedford Park, would be the partner school to the technical college.

The structure and partners for Tonsley Technical College, scheduled for 2025 at Tonsley innovation district in Adelaide’s southern suburbs, were shaping two years ahead of that opening.

Tonsley Technical College would be built in tandem with official partner Flinders University’s Factory of the Future. The Factory of the Future aimed to place South Australia at the global forefront of developing vibrant industry-linked research, education and training. It sought to accelerate the uptake of advanced skills and technologies to help foster innovation, boost productivity and increase international competitiveness. 

In 2023, Australian submarine company ASC has agreed to a significant partnership with Tonsley Technical College to provide employment pathways for its students into defence industries. This would bolster the advanced manufacturing and engineering pathway offered at the technical college, helping to ensure students were workplace-ready when they complete their studies. It followed an agreement with BAE Systems as a key employer partner at Findon Technical College, the first of the five new technical colleges to open in South Australia  – three in metropolitan Adelaide and two in regional cities..

Years 10 to 12 students at the Tonsley Technical College would be able to see a wide range of rewarding job opportunities available in sectors strategically import to South Australia. The Australian Science and Mathematics School, at nearby Bedford Park, would be the partner school to the technical college and provide a key pathway to employment for students to complete their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) while developing vital workplace skills at Tonsley Technical College.

The college would provide industry training in advanced manufacturing and engineering, automotive and energy, building and construction, and health and social support (including a pathway to nursing and allied health).

Tonsley Technical College’s other employer partners included group training organisations, the Motor Trade Association and the Master Builders Association. 

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