Skills commission set up in 2021 in South Australia to oversee training regulations, standards, direction

The South Australian Skills Commission aimed to ensure vocational education and training was responsive to industry demands,
A South Australian Skills Commission began operating in July 2021 to oversee new skills training regulations, standards and direction.
The commission brought together important services delivered by the office of the training advocate and the training and skills commission. The commission also was part of new state legislation governing apprenticeships and traineeships that updated the previous 2008 laws.
The state government innovation and skills minister was advised by the commission on its work on matters such as:
• vocational education and training (VET) funding and quality; strategies and priorities to develop the workforce and the state's role in an integrated national system,
• regulate the state's apprenticeship and traineeship system,
• engaging with the industry through the industry skills councils to ensure vocational education and training was responsive to industry demands,
• preparing the South Australian skills standards and other information,
• handling complaints and resolve disputes through mediation, and advocacy, previously provided by the South Australian training advocate,
• monitoring and reporting to the minister on the state's role in VET and adult community education,
• promoting career pathways between secondary schools, VET, adult community education and higher education,
• promoting lifelong learning and flexibility in the training system.
New South Australian skills regulations and standards introduced some simpler processes and clear responsibilities for employers, apprentices and trainees, registered training organisations, group training organisations and state government agencies.