University of South Australia adds health innovation building to biomedical precinct on North Terrace, Adelaide

The University of South Australia's health innovation building on North Terrace west, Adelaide.
The University of South Australia contributed the 14-storey Health Innovation Building to Adelaide’s health and biomedical precinct on North Terrace west, Adelaide, in 2018. The building was divided into:
• The centre for cancer biology, a medical research institute with the largest concentration of cancer research in South Australia. Its laboratories in aspects such as lymphatic development and tumour microenvironment carried out a world-class program of innovative research, making breakthrough discoveries in the fundamental causes of cancer, and translating these discoveries into new ways to prevent and treat this group of diseases.
• School of pharmacy and medical sciences brought together the University of South Australia’s pharmaceutical, drug discovery and therapeutics research, with pharmacy and pharmaceutical science students based there.
• Innovation and collaboration centre, a dynamic and collaborative environment provided a wide range of support for technology based startups, small- to medium-sized enterprises, academic staff, students and entrepreneurs to help them develop and commercialise their products or services and start up a company. It started as a strategic partnership between the university, the South Australian government and DXC Technology (formerly Hewlett Packard Enterprise) to provides a multidisciplinary environment.
• Museum of discovery, with gallery spaces offered immersive experiences to provoke new ideas at the intersection of science, art and innovation. The museum was to present two dynamic exhibitions each year that explore the creativity in problem solving and show how research shapes the future.