Sine workflow system adapted by its Adelaide software team for better handling of mass vaccinations in the USA

Antony Ceravolo, founder of Adelaide technology company Sine that developed the digital workflow management system being used by 1,000 business clients worldwide.
Image courtesy Sine
Adelaide technology company Sine developed a prescreening app for its parent firm Honeywell in 2021 to help speed up mass Covid-19 vaccinations in one of the most populous cities in the United States.
Designed in 48 hours by Sine’s South Australian team of software designers and engineers, led by Matt Bauerochse, Aaron Konopka and Erik Praekelt, the app was being used by 250,000 Americans in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina. Pre-screening time for app users who turned up to get their shots was reduced to 30 seconds, compared to the 12 minutes that healthcare service personnel took to interview and fill individual forms.
Sine’s people workflow management system, replacing sign-in sheets, was used as a base to build the vaccination pre-screening app. The Sine team wanted to create a template for how mass vaccinations could be conducted across the globe.
Sine was set up in 2015 by Antony Ceravolo as a software company focused on “taking paper-based processes and digitising them”. It gained more than 1000 clients worldwide, including General Electric, CBRE and Stockland. Sine was bought by American Fortune 100 technology business Honeywell in 2020.
The Covid-19 app was the first of many global ideas that Sine and Honeywell could market together. Honeywell’s USA-based integration lead James Taylor said he was “astonished” by Sine’s quick turnaround and quality of the Covid-19 pre-screening app.
Sine stayed busy through the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns as workforces transitioned to home offices by helping businesses to provide for efficient people flow through organisations. Sine expanded beyond corporate offices, schools and aged-care centres into the hospitality sector, where touch-less technology and biometrics provided more safety and security.
The combined strengths of Honeywell and Sine also included associated hardware systems that could give commercial property owners built-in customisation on temperature checks, prescreening and other needs.