Setting up Adelaide Plains and plant at Dublin to be major supplier of green cereal 'superfood' freekeh

Greenwheat Freekeh is based at Dublin on the Adelaide Plains.
Greenwheat Freekeh at Dublin on the Adelaide Plains is set to secure South Australia’s position as the leading global supplier of “superfood” freekeh.
With $900,000 state government help, Greenwheat is making a $4.4 million expansion of its plant. This will significantly improve the company’s production of green grain freekeh –a dried cereal-based food originating from Northern Africa, Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.
Producing freekeh using a specially designed technology, Greenwheat Freekeh has established a unique industry in the Barossa, Light and Lower North region. It gives a viable and sustainable option for grain growers by harvesting and processing green grain into a high-value premium product.
Freekeh growth in Australia alone has exceeded 220% per annum in recent years.
As Australia’s only commercial producer of clean freekeh in Australia, Greenwheat’s expansion will enable production from 450 tonnes per year in 2014/15 to nearly 2000 tonnes in the first year of operation and 3600 tonnes per year by 2018/19.
This will also maximise quality assurance, productivity and efficiency of processing onsite, thus reducing costs, managing risks and optimising quality.
The increased capacity and plant automation and computerisation will also allow Greenwheat to use South Australian third party operators and growers to produce freekeh for it under licence.