
Security response of South Australian police from 2019 to be armed with semi-automatic rifles at public events

Security response of South Australian police from 2019 to be armed with semi-automatic rifles at public events
Members of the South Australian police security response section, carrying semi-automatic rifles.
Image courtesy Channel 7 News

South Australian police armoury was enhanced in 2019 with a  $9 million security response section, carrying semi-automatic rifles, to be visible at the state’s major events to respond to terror attacks. The section will provide “enhanced” responses with bomb squad members who will sweep for IED explosives.

No law changes were needed for the new section as officers would have the usual legal protections if they killed a suspect.

South Australian police were among the last in Australia to carry revolvers as a duty weapon. From 2008, South Australia’s 2000 frontline police officers were armed with semi-automatic handguns. The state-of-the-art Smith & Wesson M&P (military and police) 40 calibre pistols replaced the ageing .357 Smith & Wesson revolver as the standard issue police weapon. Safety features of the MP 40 include a passive trigger safety preventing it from discharging until the trigger is fully depressed, even if the weapon is dropped. It also includes an optional internal lock to prevent the gun being fired by unauthorised users.

Other equipment available to officers are pepper spray, ASP extendable batons, handcuffs, tazer guns and body cameras. South Australian police also handle laws relating to  the control of guns available to the general public.

In 2018-19, the state government budget funded the replacing of the 30-year-old  South Australia police firearms control system database, with increased  fees and charges under the Firearms Act 2015.

Police also conduct firearms amnesties when unwanted, unregistered or illegal firearms, firearm parts, mechanisms, fittings, prohibited firearm accessories, silencers or ammunition can be handed in at police stations or participating licensed firearms dealer for surrender or free registration.

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