Integrated care, with stays for South Australian country patients, at new home for Cancer Council SA

The concept for the new Cancer Council SA building on Greenhill Road, Eastwood.
Cancer Council South Australia’s new $30 million home on Greenhill Road, Eastwood, being built in 2021, would support all South Australians impacted by cancer and include 120 rooms of accommodation for regional and remote South Australians travelling to Adelaide for cancer treatment.
Built $10 million funding from the state government plus private sources, the integrated cancer building would bring together accommodation, research, prevention and support. Besides the 120 rooms of accommodation to regional South Australians comng to Adelaide for cancer treatment, the building would offer:
• Cancer Council’s SA’s information and support services, including Cancer Council 13 11 20, to support South Australians across every stage of their cancer experience.
• Access to free counselling from trained professionals.
• Support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by empowering them to cut their cancer risk through the Aboriginal screening project and Quitskills programme.
• Cancer Council’s evidence-based prevention programs and strategies to empower South Australians to cut their cancer risk.
• A supportive and energising environment to enable Cancer Council SA to speak out on behalf of the community on cancer issues.
• Cancer Council SA’s behavioural research team, a leader in applied cancer research and evaluation while overseeing the Cancer Council’s Beat Cancer project.