Indigenous Land Corp. supporting groups in business, jobs, culture, environment ventures in South Australia

The Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) has helped South Australian groups since 2005 into ventures such as farming.
The Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) has helped South Australian groups since 2005 to manage land for business, training, employment, cultural and/or environmental benefits.
The ILC, an independent Australian Government statutory authority with an Adelaide head office, buys and grants land to Indigenous groups as corporations.
All land management projects backed by the ILC must benefit Indigenous people. Land-based business is done by the ILC which supports Indigenous landholders to engage in their own business activities.
The ILC has bought 27 properties in South Australia with a total area of more than 830,000 hectares for projects including:
- White Avenue, Mount Gambier: At a 10ha property, Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation provides pre-employment education and training. Used for community meetings and social gatherings, the centre has educational programs, a commercial seed growing operation and a community garden.
- River Road, Blanchetown: River Road covers 1000ha with great cultural significance to traditional owners, the Nganguraku/Ngaiwong people. The Sugar Shack Aboriginal Corporation (SSAC) leased the property and managed a viable mixed farm with a strong commitment to culturally maintain and protect sites. SSAC operates a tourism business complementing the River Road property.
- Teeluk Infrastructure: Teeluk is a 144ha property on the edge of the Coorong. The project gave the Indigenous landowners a base to coordinate sustainable land management. The ILC funded a shed and rainwater tanks to support a revegetation project.
- Lake Acraman, Gawler Ranges: Lake Acraman is an 18,000ha meteorite crater and dry salt lake with cultural and environmental heritage values, 220 kilometres north-west of Port Augusta. In 2011, Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation leased the lake as part of a native title agreement with the state government. The ILC funded SA Native Title Services Ltd to plan for the long-term management of the cultural and environmental values of the lake and shoreline.