
Glenunga International, The Heights: Aberfoyle Park, South Australian high schools offering gifted students courses

Glenunga International, The Heights:  Aberfoyle Park, South Australian high schools offering gifted students courses
Glenelg International High School in Adelaide's eastern suburbs was the most high-profile of the city's state schools for students with high intellectual potential through the IGNITE programme.

Glenunga International High – with The Heights High and  Aberfoyle Park School – were 21st Century South Australian education department special Iinterest schools offering nationally-rated high quality coures for students with high intellectual potential through the IGNITE programme. Brighton Secondary School offered a Think Bright programme.

Gifted and talented learners generally understood concepts, abstractions and ideas beyond that normally be expected at their age. This meant the curriculum needs to be concept based and include complex, abstract ideas so their interests and abilities are challenged and extended. The Ignite programme allowed students to:
         • accelerate learning at a rate matching their ability;
         * have the chance to critically challenge and explore the depth and breadth of their thinking;
          * work in a classroom environment that focuses on building a holistic learner, with sustained critical and creative thinking, collaborating, communicating, and citizenship;
         * have access to enrichment opportunities.

The Ignite ethos sits at the heart of the program and student learning was built on the foundation of:
         * building empathetic connections with others and self
         * engaging in intentional and meaningful collaboration
         * engaging in authentic and relevant learning
         * working through challenges productively
         * reflecting on and celebrating learning and progress.

The ACER (Australian Council for Education Research) IGNITE entry assessment was offered every February for South Australian Year 6 students entering Year 7 the next year. The assessment in four parts over three to five hours covered reading comprehension, written expression, mathematical reasoning and abstract reasoning.

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