Gilbert and Sullivan Society of South Australia, established in 1937, changes key into Broadway musicals

The cast for Gilbert and Sulivan Society of South Australia's The Mikado at the Australia Hall (now Royal Theatre) in 1948.
Image by Colin Ballantyne, courtesy State Library of South Australia
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of South Australia, established in 1937, has had the support of gifted professional performers, including Vincent McMurray (singing with both Australian and UK opera companies and J.C. Williamson), Richard Watson, who appeared with the D’Oyly Carte Company (the original operetta company established by Gilbert & Sullivan in 1879), Kevin Miller (ex-Sadlers Wells/English National Opera), June Bronhill (also Sadlers Wells and international opera star), Kevin Mills (Sadlers Wells) and Dennis Olsen, a consummate Gilbert and Sullivan performer.
Although dedicated to promoting the works of Gilbert and Sullivan, the society also regularly stages non-G&S operettas and musicals ranging from Die Fledermaus, Orpheus in the Underworld and The Merry Widow to My Fair Lady, Fiddler on the Roof, Camelot, Oklahoma!, The Sound of Music and The Secret Garden to Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd and Into The Woods.
In 2008, the society staged Les Misérables with an encore season in January 2009. Similarly, the 2013 season of Oliver! Had a return season in 2014. The society’s most ambitious production to date was Jesus Christ Superstar, staged at Her Majesty’s Theatre in 2010, starring Luke Kennedy as Jesus.
Based in Hindmarsh since 1983, the society’s home is The Shed, a property developed by society members.
The society was blessed with long-serving members such as Jack Higgs, a founder continuously involved in the society’s life for 76 years.