Adelaide gets regional offices of the national grains and fisheries research corporations at the wine centre

The National Wine Centre is home to the grains and fish research and development corporations' regional offices in Adelaide.
Adelaide is now an agricultural research hub, with the grains and fish research and development corporations increasing their presence in South Australia by opening a joint office at the Adelaide Wine Centre.
The Grains Research and Development Corporation, with its head office in Canberra, is a world leader in grains research and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is the national fisheries and aquaculture research funding body.
Adelaide's regional office will make it easier for people in both sectors to access the national research bodies.
The future of grain research in South Australia has been secured through a joint $50 million investment by the state government and the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC).
The five-year deal included $25 million from GRDC and $25 million in-kind support from the state government’s South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). SARDI is the nation’s leading research provider in farming systems for low-to-medium rainfall areas, crop protection and improvement as well as projects such as the national oat breeding program. SARDI will commit staff, equipment and resources worth $25 million and the GRDC will match the state government’s investment.
This money will go to six key state and national priority programs. This includes six new regional agronomy positions, allowing high-quality relevant research in South Australia’s major cropping regions.
A new conference area is part of the Loxton Research Centre’s $7.5 million upgrade, bringing the community, industry and researchers together to showcase the region’s premium food and wine.