Addinsight traffic info, created by the South Australian government transport department, to have rights sold off

The Addinsight app relays message to motorists about traffic information about incidents or time delays.
Addinsight traffic intelligence system, a world-leading app developed by the South Australian government transport department in 2012, was due to be sold off in 2020 to allow the software to be developed for its international potential.
Addinsight won the innovation and commercialisation category in the 2016 South Australian Spatial Excellence Awards. It involves a network of hundreds of Bluetooth and wi-fi receivers monitoring South Australian major road, including freeways, for traffic to be controlled from the department’s traffic management centre. Its use has expanded around Australia, with the Bluetooth sensors developed and installed by South Australian company Sage Automation.
In 2016, Addinsight was developed into an award-winning app for motorists to use to assess congestion and time delays on their chosen route. The virtual VMS system automatically activates Bluetooth beacons on the approach to a traffic potential incident and transmits real-time delay information.
Motorists with the Addinsight app installed and running on their Android or Apple device receive an audio alert detailing the location and type of incident plus the expected additional delays.
Once the congestion clears, Addinsight automatically deactivates the beacons. The beacons can also be used to transmit custom messages to manage roadworks, warn motorists approaching active school zones and an unlimited range of other messages.
The software was originally developed as a planning initiative for Adelaide’s north-south transport corridor by then transport department engineer James Cox. He saw the system keep growing and welcomed the move to commercialise the software for its international potential.