Essential Services Commission of South Australia eyes price, quality, reliability of water, electricity, gas

The Essential Services Commission of South Australia also could initiate enquiries into aspects of the supply of regulated services.
The Essential Services Commission of South Australia is the watchdog on the price, quality and reliability of water, electricity and gas supply, along with oversight of port and railway operations.
The Essential Services Commission, as an independent economic regulator, set up by the South Australian parliament in 2002. It replaced the South Australian Independent Industry Regulator started in 1999. The commission’s primary objective is the: “protection of the long-term interests of South Australian consumers” in regard to essential regulated services. The commission aimed to ensure that consumers of regulated services were adequately protected and service providers were accountable for their services, while not imposing unnecessary regulatory costs and burdens.
The commission gave robust independent advice to the state government that informs and provides evidence for policy making and public consideration of economic and regulatory issues. The commission could conduct public enquiries into matters relating to essential service, as can the state treasurer or minister in charge of a regulated industry.The commission also acted independently and objectively in performing functions and exercising powers.
The commission’s roles in regard to the different industries it regulated, including pricing, licensing, performance monitoring and reporting, compliance and scheme administration.