
World-first 1979 design degree for college at Adelaide Underdale campus a victory for Robert Miller-Smith

World-first 1979 design degree for college at Adelaide Underdale campus a victory for Robert Miller-Smith
Professor emeritus Robert Miller-Smith took his case, for a degree course at Underdale campus to be called bachelor of design, straight to South Australian premier David Tonkin.

The South Australian school of art achieved the world’s first bachelor of design degree in 1979. This was led by professor emeritus Robert Miller-Smith, head of the design department at the Adelaide college of the arts and education at Underdale campus of the South Australian college of advanced education.

The department’s forward-thinking team wrote a submission for a four-year design degree course but its recommended title of “bachelor of design” instead of bachelor of arts wasn’t accepted.

Professor Miller-Smith, a lively silver-haired Scot, decided to take the bachelor of design name case straight to the top. He called South Australia premier Dr David Tonkin and arranged an appointment with him 20 minutes later. Miller-Smith argued that Tonkin’s qualification as an ophthalmological surgeon was indicated by the letters after his name. Why shouldn’t that be the same for a designer?

Miller-Smith’s colourful style of argument had its effect. By the time he returned to Underdale campus, wheels were in motion for the South Australian board of advanced education to meet with him, eventually leading to accreditation for a bachelor of design (B.Des). The success of the B.Des led to a school of design being restated.

The bachelor of design course created five degrees including ceramics, human environments, illustration, industrial design and visual communication – later, jewellery/metalsmithing. Successful designers from the early course at Underdale campus included some familiar and influential names in the Adelaide design community of Adelaide.

Miller-Smith marked his involvement in this world-first design degree as one of the proudest moments in what had been an illustrious career. He was inducted into the Design Institute of Australia’s hall of fame in 2007. Miller-Smith, with professional qualifications in typography, was a great advocate and champion of design and actively involved in many committees, judging panels and conferences.

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