Thomson Geer grows from 2014 to become one of Australia's biggest law firms, with head office in Adelaide city

Adrian Tembel, an Adelaide University economics and honours law graduate, became Thomson Geer law firm's chief executive partner in 2009, steering its national growth from Adelaide. In 2024, Thomson Geer signed a 10-year lease to be anchor tenant of the Market Place commercial office tower, seen in concept from Gouger Street, Adelaide city.
Thomson Geer, with head offices in Adelaide, became one of Australia’s top 15 law firms in 2018 after a expanding from the former Thomson Lawyers. Thomas Geer was formed in 2014 by the merger of Thompsons Lawyers in Adelaide with Melbourne-based Herbert Geer in 2014.
Acquiring a major Sydney competitor, Kemp Strang, in 2018 cemented Thomson Geer's place in the top 15 law firms operating in Australia; top 10 independent Australian law firms and top 35 local law firms in the Asia Pacific. In 2020, Thomson Geer’s continued expansion included hiring a 21-strong team including all four Brisbane-based partners from global firm Dentons.
With entire national executive team based in Gouger Street, Adelaide city, Thomson Geer was in Australia's top 500 private companies with offices also in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth. In 2023, it employed more than 650 people, including over 140 partners. It worked for major institutional clients in sectors such as banking, construction, energy, health, telecommunications, property development and gaming and leisure among a big range of areas.
A key to Thomas Geer’s growth was Adrian Tembel, an economics and honours law graduate of Adelaide University, who began practising corporate and technology law at Thomson Geer in 1993, became a partner of Thomson Geer in 1997, and went on to become chief executive partner in 2009. As a full-time lawyer, Tembel has specialised in the corporate and technology areas, taking him into forays such as working with the Formula One racing merchandising team of Ayton Senna.
Tembel’s talents were also recognised in becoming an adviser South Australian premier Steven Marshall and, in 2021, chair of the South Australian productivity commission. He also had time as a director of the Menzies Research Centre. In 2024, Thomson Geer signed a 10-year lease for the top floor as the anchor tenant of Market Square commercial office tower being built between Gouger and Grote streets, Adelaide city.