
Playford Memorial Trust scholarships look into strategic industries for South Australia

Playford Memorial Trust scholarships look into strategic industries for South Australia
Playford Memorial Trust chairman and former South Australian premier Dean Brown (centre) with 2017 TAFE SA/Playford Trust award winners.
Image courtesy Playford Memorial Trust

Long-time South Australian premier Tom Playford is remembered through the Playford Memorial Trust that awards $190,000 through more than scholarships each year to post-secondary school students in areas such as horticulture, mining, environmental management and aquaculture.

Trust scholarships encourage high achieving South Australian students to do studies in areas of strategic importance to South Australia. The trust deed requires the scholarships to be in science, mathematics, agriculture, mining, environmental science, horticulture, marine science, geoscience and engineering

It helps students from regional areas with the expenses of relocating to Adelaide, as well as providing first-year undergraduate scholarships; honours and fourth-year scholarships; and masters and PhD scholarships.

Defence honours scholarships and defence and STEM internships are available through the department of state development and the Defence Teaming Centre.
The trust also offers TAFE study awards in areas related to horticulture, agriculture, mining and food technology.

Where possible, the trust uses the links with its partners, including the universities and the Playford Trust Scholars Association, to offer work experience, internships, networking and mentoring opportunities for its Playford Trust scholars.

The Playford Memorial Trust, was set up more than 30 years ago, with the bipartisan support of the South Australian parliament. The trust is governed by a voluntary board and is administered with help from the department of the premier and cabinet.

Funds for the scholarships come from sources including an investment fund, donations, state government grants and industry partnerships.

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