Korvest Ltd Galvanisers and EzyStrut, South Australia-based major players in industrial, infrastructure projects

Korvest Ltd, with manufacturing, fabricating and galvanising at Adelaide’s Kilburn, used Korvest Galvanisers and Eyzstrut divisions to service big and small industrial and infrastructure projects across Australia. An example of Ezystrut's work (top right) was designing and supplying cable support for the tunnel and station at Sydney's Metro Northwest.
South Australia-based Korvest Ltd, listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) in 1970, through its two specialist divisions, EzyStrut and Korvest Galvanisers, produced standard customised and innovative products for small industrial developments to Australia’s biggest construction and mining companies.
Korvest Ltd, with its manufacturing, fabricating and galvanising at Adelaide’s Kilburn, grew to become one of the Pacific’s largest manufacturers and suppliers of cable and pipe support systems, and provider of galvanising services. It provided ground-breaking complete solutions to the mining, petrochemical, data/communications, health, civil engineering, commercial construction and water and energy sectors.
Korvest Galvanisers was able to galvanise from large and difficult fabrications to small fasteners, pipe fittings and castings with an onsite 14 metres hot-dip galvanising bath (the largest in South Australia) and a state-of-the-art spin galvanising plant able to process some of the smallest and most intricate items.
Through a central management team, Korvest Galvanisers supported and could integrate solutions for projects with EzyStrut.
EzyStrut, remaining the only major Australian manufacturer of cable and pipe support systems, made one of the most diverse cable and pipe support solutions in Australian industry. It was able to deliver customised cable and pipe support solutions at competitive prices while maintaining an extensive shelf range of products. EzyStrut's ability to customise was backed by its electrical and plumbing support system design team.
Korvest Ltd was owned by a shareholding of mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, other institutional investors, public companies and retail investors. In 2013, Hills Holdings sold its 47.8% stake in Korvest Ltd in a block trade.