Helpmann Academy a unique South Australia unifier of universities backing new creatives in stage and other arts

A theatre director fellowship offered through the Helpmann Academy was part of a whole range of support for South Australia's emerging creatives.
A $30,000 fellowship for an emerging South Australian theatre director in 2019 was among opportunities offered to the state's performing and other arts by South Australia’s unique Helpmann Academy in partnership with State Opera South Australia and State Theatre Company South Australia.
The Helpmann Academy emerging director fellowship was open to graduates within five years of graduation from Helpmann’s partner institutions: Adelaide College of the Arts (TAFE SA: Technical and Further Education South Australia), Flinders University and the Elder Conservatorium (University of Adelaide). The South Australian government innovation and skills department was another partner, with SA Power Networks as a platinum-level partner.
The Helpmann Academy was the only organisation of its kind in Australia, unifying the skills and resources of the South Australia’s universities. Since 1994, the Helpmann Academy supported emerging creatives, promoting South Australia as a centre for excellence in creative education.
It provided professional development opportunities including grants and awards, fellowships, mentorships, masterclasses, seminars, mentorships, one-to-one advice and international artist residencies, all tailored for South Australia’s higher education students, graduates and emerging artists.
The Helpmann Academy name honoured South Australia’s iconic actor and dancer Robert Helpmann, born in Mount Gambier in 1909. Throughout his long and illustrious career, Helpmann made a significant contribution to the arts in Australia and around the world as an actor, dancer, producer and directo