
Government assistant minister in South Australia to represent autism interests a first nationally in 2022

Government assistant minister in South Australia to represent autism interests a first nationally in 2022
The appointment of Emily Bourke as assistant autism minister in the South Australian government in 2022 attracted media attention nationally on ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) television and the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) world service.

South Australia in 2022 appointed Australia’s first government minister to represent the needs of autistic children and their parents. Emily Bourke took on the role of assistant autism minister in the South Australian government that planned to have a dedicated teacher onsite at every public primary school in 2023 to support those with autism. This was part of the government's $28 million election commitment to better support children with autism.

Many states and territories in Australia already had guidelines for teachers but South Australia was going one step further.  One in four learners in all South Australian preschools and schools needed additional adjustments to take part in education on the same level as their peers.

Christie Downs Primary School had many students with additional needs who have thrived because of the school's inclusive environment. In the year 2 and 3 class at Christie Downs Primary, 11 of the 18 children have additional needs. Teacher Alex McGrath said she has seen great outcomes from her students with additional training, support and resources: "The more training you can get, the better informed you can be to then try different approaches with the children and see where they are at. It’s amazing to bring all of the differences that we have together and we have got such a harmonious class and the children all support each other, they lift each other up. Once they feel like they have a place to belong, they really do shine and it's wonderful."

Up to 50 schools are better equipped to teach children living with autism after  a state government-funded program at Adelaide's Flinders University in 2016-17. The teachers from mainstream and special ed schools across metropolitan and regional South Australian completed the post-graduate certificate under the Flinders ASD (autism spectrum disorder) scholarship and research project.

* Information from ABC News, Adelaide.

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