
South Australian police band Australia's first in 1884; full time from 1957; high standards set with groups versatility

South Australian police band Australia's first in 1884; full time from 1957; high standards set with groups versatility
The South Australian police band became a full-time unit in 1957.

South Australia’s police force, the first in Australia from 1838, was also the first have its own band in 1884 after commissioner W. J. Peterswald encouraged the Adelaide Metropolitan Foot Police to form a volunteer brass group.

The band was soon setting its high standards, winning brass band contests, under director T.H. Davey, at the exhibition building on North Terrace, Adelaide, in 1903.

In recess during World War II, the band became full time in 1957 under commissioner Brigadier John McKinna. In 1974, it changed from brass to a military band with woodwind instruments. The band has been acclaimed on the international stage at military tattoos in Edinburgh, Germany and Switzerland.

The band operates on different versatile formats to fit official events or private bookings. These formats include a 35-piece concert and marching band with singers for full concerts, ceremonies, balls and cabarets, street parties and parades. A 22-piece show band is suitable for balls, dances, floor shows and private events. Medium-sized bands – Dixie band, Kind of Blue, Off the Cuff, Saxes and Rhythm, Sons of Zorro –  is available for cocktail parties, community groups, private and small events.

Smaller combinations include clarinet, French horn, saxophone and trombone quartets, a brass quintet and woodwind quintet. The band also does school performances through its rock patrol for high schools, delivering personal and road-safety messages through rock and pop music, and the school beat bands perform to young children in childcare centres and primary school students to highlight road safety and the message that police are their friends.

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