Natasha Wanganeen among Aboriginal filmmakers supported by South Australian strategy 2015-20

Actress Natasha Wanganeen, a member of the advisory committee for South Australian Film Corporation's Aboriginal Screen Strategy.
The South Australian Film Corporation’s first Aboriginal Screen Strategy (2015-20) supported Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander filmmakers. The strategy was designed to grow and support the stories and creative voices of the Aboriginal screen sector and to develop skills and knowledge in filmmaking through production, mentoring and partnerships.
The corporation set up Pirrku Kuu (The Story Room) at Adelaide Studios in Glenside as a hub for Aboriginal filmmakers’ work.
The strategy was guided by corporation’s Lee-Ann Buckskin and then-chief executive Annabelle Sheehan who initiated funding of five micro documentaries, supported by National Indigenous Television (NITV) and the Media Resource Centre, screened on NITV during NAIDOC Week.
The film corporation’s Aboriginal advisory committee members for the strategy are:
• Erica Glynn (Arrente), director of TV’s Black Comedy, graduate of Australian Film Television and Radio School. Erica started her career working for the Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA) in Alice Springs. Her short film My Bed, Your Bed was an international success and her documentaries include A Walk with Words with Romaine Morton and Ngangkari about traditional healers of the Central Desert region.
• Major Sumner, an honoured Ngarrindjeri elder from the Coorong and Lower Lakes in South Australia.
• Derik Lynch (Yankunytjatjara), who grew up in small town camp in Alice Springs, starred alongside of Trevor Jamieson in the theatre play Namatjira that toured England and Rotterdam. His screen credits include Black Comedy and Deadline Gallipoli.
• Natasha Wanganeen (Narungga), with film credits including Rabbit Proof Fence (2002), Black and White (2002), Australian Rules (2002) and, on television, Redfern Now (2013) and ABC’s production of The Secret River (2013).